Identifying and Preventing Scours with Farmatan

  • The most common form of Clostridium in cattle is caused by Clostridia perfringens. The gram-positive bacteria are a challenge due to its ability to form spores and lay dormant for long-periods of time. The bacteria reproduce by releasing spores into its environment (soil, feed, manure). The spores can even lay dormant in the animal’s intestine until opportunity presents itself. Infection takes place either through ingestion of spores or through an open wound. The most severe cases happen within the first month of a calf’s life, and can result in sudden death.

    Clinical Signs

    • Diarrhea - Bloody, Mucus Present, Bubbly

    • Dehydrated

    • Bloat

    • Blindness

    Prevention/Treatment: Prevention can be difficult due to the Clostridia spores being extremely durable and present almost everywhere. Complete cleanout and disinfection between calves is helpful, but not always effective. A good vaccination program will reduce clinical disease. The best method is to develop good gut health and the immune system of the calf. Farmatan has been shown to strengthen the intestinal wall, helping to prevent infection from taking hold.

  • Cattle are host to numerous species of Coccidia, a single-celled protozoal parasite. Infection and clinical symptoms can happen any time during a calf’s life, with the most severe reaction usually occurring between 3-6 weeks of age. The life-cycle of coccidia requires time to infect the intestine causing destruction of the mucosal and epithelial lining. The oocytes mature outside the host in warm, moist environments before being consumed, causing infection of a new host.

    Clinical Signs

    • Diarrhea - Watery, Bloody

    • Depression

    • Weight Loss

    Prevention/Treatment: Prevention of Coccidiosis is possible by keeping young calves separate from older animals, providing clean water and feed, and dry conditions. Isolation of infected animals is key to preventing transmission. Keeping the pen dry is the most important step a farmer/rancher can take in preventing Coccidiosis. Treatment can have a good impact on reducing secondary disease, and speeding up recovery time. Farmatan has been shown to disrupt the reproductive cycle of Coccidia; and may help strengthen the intestinal wall to prevent infection, in both the cow and calf.

  • Bovine Coronavirus is a ubiquitous, envelope-viral disease, causing respiratory and enteric infection. There are many serotypes for this virus, making it difficult to test for, and create a vaccine. Coronavirus can present as either diarrhea and/or respiratory illness; transmitted through nasal discharge and/or feces. Animal reservoirs continue to spread the disease, and make eradication almost impossible. Clinical disease will likely occur between days 10-14, and present for up to 4 days.

    Clinical Signs

    • Diarrhea - Watery

    • Nasal Discharge

    • Coughing

    Prevention/Treatment: Prevention is difficult due to wild animals transmitting the disease. Keeping wild animals out of animal enclosures is essential. Isolation of infected animals is critical to preventing the spread of Coronavirus. Adequate colostrum intake, along with a good vaccination program will help prevent clinical disease. Learn more about the positive effects of Farmtan’s active ingredient on Coronavirus HERE.

  • Cryptosporidium Parvum is a single-celled parasite responsible for causing infection in young calves. The infection takes place within the first four weeks of a calves’ life, afterwards immunity has developed within the calf. The parasite is either passed from the cow or spread through infected water sources.

    Clinical Signs

    • Diarrhea - Watery, Bloody, Mucus present

    • Colic

    • Depression

    Prevention/Treatment: Good sanitary conditions, especially clean water is essential in preventing transmission of cryptosporidium. Isolation of sick calves will help reduce the affect on the overall herd. There is some good effect of calves given adequate colostrum, however this is likely helping by reducing other pathogenic loads rather than a direct effect on Cryptosporidium, itself. Farmatan fed prior to calving has been shown to disrupt the life-cycle and reduce transmission from the cow. The direct action of Farmatan on the parasite makes it an excellent choice for treating calves. Learn more about the positive effect of Farmatan’s active ingredient HERE.

  • Escherichia Coli is a bacterial infection that affects calves within the first week of their life. The bacteria colonize in the lower intestine and produce a toxin. The toxin causes excessive secretion of fluids. The zoonotic disease has special importance in food safety and human health. Colostrum and natural immunity are often not sufficient in preventing infection in cases of high bacterial concentrations.

    Clinical Signs

    • Diarrhea - Creamy, Yellow

    • Abdominal Pains

    • Fever

    • Vomiting

    Prevention/Treatment: The best prevention methods for E. Coli include: clean water, dry bedding/environment, isolation of infected animals, and vaccination. Treatment with antibiotics and oral fluids have great benefits in reducing clinical symptoms of the disease. Farmatan has been shown to reduce bacterial load and help prevent infection. Learn more about the positive effects of Farmatan’s active ingredient HERE.

  • Rotavirus in calves is caused by a virus belonging to the Reoviridae family, as a non-envelope RNA virus. Rotavirus is thought to be the most common cause of neonatal diarrhea in calves. The virus tends to affect calves between the age of 1-day-old up to a month, with most cases presenting within the first week of life. Shedding and reinfection can happen in older calves and cows. Clinical symptoms are rarely present after the first month of life; older animals tend to either be carriers or asymptomatic. The majority of herds have some level present, with transmission likely happening during or shortly after birth.

    Clinical Signs

    • Diarrhea - Pale Yellow, Bloody

    • Dehydrated

    • Dull calves

    • Reluctant to drink

    Prevention/Treatment: The ideal scenario is to prevent infection through, sanitary facilities (calving barn), outdoor calf housing, and a good vaccination program. Colostrum will provide much needed antibodies, protecting the calf before their immune system is fully developed to combat the disease. Farmatan fed prior to calving can help reduce the pathogen load of the cow, reducing the likelihood of transmission. Farmatan supplemented in the milk has been shown to decrease the virus’ ability to cause infection and clinical disease. The best treatment for calves already presenting clinical disease is to administer oral fluids/electrolytes to rehydrate the calf. Learn more about the positive effect of Farmatan’s active ingredient HERE.

  • Salmonella infection of cattle is caused by a variety of species within the family. While the disease is uncommon in cattle with little affect on calf health, it has massive implications for human health and food safety. The bacteria spreads through direct contact or contaminated feed & water. This disease is highly regulated by the USDA. The most severe cases of salmonella affect calves between the ages of 7-10 days old.

    Clinical Signs

    • Diarrhea - Bloody (flakes of slough tissue), Watery, Mucus present

    • Lethargic

    • Fever

    Prevention/Treatment: Prevention is always the best option: provide clean water, feed, and bedding. Isolate infected animals, ensure adequate colostrum intake, and develop a vaccination program with you veterinarian. Treatment with antibiotics and fluids (oral or intravenous) greatly increase the survival rate of calves infected with Salmonella. Farmatan has been shown to help reduce the likelihood of infection by protecting the gut, and reduce recovery time of infected animals.