Need proof? Learn about our products by seeing how other producers have solved issues like gut health, digestion, acidosis, liver abscesses, and more. Real people, real cattle, real results.
Case Studies
How Plant Tannin Affects Bloat in Heifers
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of plant tannin supplementation on animal responses and in vivo ruminal bacterial populations associated with bloat in heifers grazing wheat forage. There were two studies conducted: one to determine if tannin supplementation affected Average Daily Gain and bloat frequency and another to determine how much tannin supplementation affects ruminal bacterial populations.
These studies were conducted on twenty-six heifers grazing wheat forage. The heifers were in three groups of treatment: Control (non-tannin), Mimosa Tannin, and Chestnut Tannin.
Results: Chestnut tannin increased Average Daily Gain by +17%. Bloat frequency was decreased by 80% in the groups treated with tannin.
A Natural Solution to Drop Calf Mortality Significantly
Delbert Fast, of South Dakota, has fought early calf mortality caused by cryptosporidiosis (crypto) every spring. For several years, calves started scouring at 7 to 10 days of age with up to 50% of his calf crop being affected.
In January of 2018, he began feeding Farmatan to his herd over the span of 90 days pre-calving. He treated 3 calves (on nurse cows) and had no mortality due to scours.
By decreasing mortality in just 3 calves, Delbert paid for the treatment of his entire heard! Delbert has continued to see excellent results using Farmatan every year since.
“I’m well satisfied with the Farmatan and will be sure to use it again next year.”
Treating Cows Prior to Calving
How it Works:
Farmatan improves lower gut wall integrity by improving tight junctions between cell walls preventing leaky gut and pathogen damage. Naturally occurring Gallic and Ellagic acid in the tannins reduce bacteria growth. Efficient protein digestion reduces ammonia and improves feed conversion.
The Results:
In 2019, six ranchers with 1,676 cows treated 50% of calves for scours and lost approximately 10% (175 dead calves). The following year, 2020, they fed 15g for the entire program and only lost 2 calves.
Real Ingredients; Real Results.
How it Works:
Farmatan improves lower gut wall integrity by improving tight junctions between cell walls preventing leaky gut and pathogen damage. Naturally occurring Gallic and Ellagic acid in the tannins reduce bacteria growth. Farmatan reduces duration and severity of scours.
The Results:
An 8,000 head calf producer added Farmatan to milk replacer and calf starter. Reduced scours by 80% and had a death loss of less than 1% of calves.
Dairy Trial
October 25th, 2019
This study investigated the effects of dietary supplementation with chestnut tannins on metabolic and antioxidant status of prepartum cows along with their colostrum quality.
Pregnant multiparous Holstein cows were paired according to parity and body condition score, and assigned either to a diet supplemented with 20 g/d of commercially available product containing chestnut tannins or to an unsupplemented control diet for the last 25±2 d of pregnancy.
Results: The present study showed that chestnut tannins in close-up diets improve the colostrum quality and the metabolic and antioxidant status of cows near parturition.
186 cows, persistently high SCC > 300,000
Added 40 Grams Farmatan D for 120 days
SCC: - 26%
150 Days in Milk Avg: +10.3%
Increased milk with no change in components (3.7% Fat, 3.2% Protein).
Farmatan is suitable for Organic and ABF operations!