Goats and Sheep
Ingredients available to add to milk replacer or to solid feed rations to aid in immune support with coccidiosis and clostridia for goats and sheep.
Specialty insight on supplementation for dairy goats, suitable for inclusion for both organic and conventional production.
Excellent track record for immunity improvement and reduced gut stress with feed changes and age transitions.
Call to discuss organic or conventional options and additional research
Cocci in Goats.
Savanna Goats in Estelline SD had a consistent Cocci problem, with confirmed cocci scours by Clearlake Vet on Jan 20th 2020
Started feeding with Farmatan Jan 22nd 2020. No other treatment was used.
Inclusion rate of 7g/head/day for 2 weeks and then dropped to 4g /head/day
152 goat herd treated over 30 days (75 does, 7 bucks, 70 kids)
Cocci egg counts dropped 85% in 2.5 weeks, 99% reduction after 30 days